Rated ‘R’ Equals A Christian Nation


(The United States of America is known for its strong beliefs and moral center.  The founding fathers of America based this country on the understood knowledge that God ultimately ruled all mankind; and in essence created a Christian Nation, an idea that still lives on.)Blood, violence, promiscuity, and of course, explosions.  Now, think of a movie that you have seen and apply any or all of these words to its genre.  My guess is that all usually apply.  It is a well known fact that America favors violent, bone-crushing entertainment, but what exactly does America’s desire for gore do for America? In the article, The Big Question: Can America Ever be Weaned off its Love Affair with Guns? the author poses the question; why does America relish violence?  I thought long and hard on the issue but I could not find a conclusion.  Unfortunately, as a Christian myself, I could not envision some of the ‘great films’ without blazing guns, or floor thumping explosions.  In short, carnage = great entertainment (that most unfortunately are not willing to give up). Now I pose the question, How does American film appear the outside world?  Many can recognize misconceptions that other countries have accidentally created for themselves; i.e. all Asians cannot drive.  Nevertheless, what do other countries recognize America for?According to the definition that I supplied of the U.S., many countries still believe that America is a die hard Christian nation *although if their citizens moved here they would be quickly corrected.  For example, the word ‘missionary’ is banned from all corners of China.  The reason- the Chinese believe that America is a Christian nation; and in their eyes, the movies that America produces portrays Christianity.  Imagine, all of the blood, sex, and downright brutality that Americans have practically inserted intravenously into their bodies, is how the Chinese believe Christians behave.

It is no wonder that America has become hated by almost every country on the globe.  Other countries assume that Americans shoot each other in their beds, douse themselves in alcohol, steal each other’s wives, and then laugh it all off after they are done.  Of course you and I know that is an exaggeration, but perhaps in some cases they are not so far from the truth.


~ by colormegray on February 5, 2008.

One Response to “Rated ‘R’ Equals A Christian Nation”

  1. It’s sad, the way that America chooses to present herself. Like I told you before, since America presents herself as a Christian nation, other nations begin to merge Christian values with American values, which results in a complete misconception of the Christian religion. Also, these movies do send clear messages to other countries. In Rush Hour Three, it delt with that as Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker went to France and their cab driver refused to take them anywhere because they were Americans. He thought that all Americans were violent and killed people for no reason–based on movies he had seen.

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